Welcome to SUC Software Engineering Research & Applications (SERA)

SERA a.k.a Software Engineering Research & Applications, is a plattform that build high quality software in real world environments.

What We do?

We build high quality software in real-world environments, from solution discovery, team collaboration, software architecture, software development processes to software code structure design.

Our Research Focus

Discovery (what to build)

What is the right software to build? Improving the way of discovering and shaping software soulution to be valuable, usable, feasible and viable.

Delivery (how to build)

How to build the software right? Improving the way of building and delivering software solution that is reliable, maintainable, scalable and performing.

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Our Research

What is the right software to build? Improving the way of discovering and shaping software soulution to be valuable, usable, feasible and viable.

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Get in touch with us if you have questions regarding our research.